Upcoming Guild Shows and Events

LAG Members’ Monthly Critique Coffee Hour
Join us the third Saturday of each month for our Members’ Critique coffee

LAG Members’ Monthly Critique Coffee Hour
Join us the third Saturday of each month for our Members’ Critique coffee

LAG Members’ Monthly Critique Coffee Hour
Join us the third Saturday of each month for our Members’ Critique coffee

LAG Members’ Monthly Critique Coffee Hour
Join us the third Saturday of each month for our Members’ Critique coffee

LAG Members’ Monthly Critique Coffee Hour
Join us the third Saturday of each month for our Members’ Critique coffee

LAG Members’ Monthly Critique Coffee Hour
Join us the third Saturday of each month for our Members’ Critique coffee

LAG Members’ Monthly Critique Coffee Hour
Join us the third Saturday of each month for our Members’ Critique coffee

Guild Members’ Holiday Luncheon + Cookie Exchange
Join us at a members’ get-together at our annual Holiday Luncheon

LAG Members’ Monthly Critique Coffee Hour
Join us the third Saturday of each month for our Members’ Critique coffee

LAG Members’ Monthly Critique Coffee Hour
Join us the third Saturday of each month for our Members’ Critique coffee

LAG Members’ Monthly Critique Coffee Hour
Join us the third Saturday of each month for our Members’ Critique coffee

Portfolio Image Review Workshop
Open to members only. If you are looking to apply to art fairs you are encouraged to submit a booth shot/shots to gain feedback.
This will be a group feedback portfolio discussion. Learn more

Applying to Art Fairs
Guidance for those who are interested in applying to and presenting their work at art fairs. Open to members and the public.

Guild Member Program
Artist Websites. Led by Diana Stuart, Indigo Designworks. Diana created the Lawrence Art Guild website and specializes in websites and branding for small businesses and nonprofits.
She’ll share some best practice ideas as well as the basics about how to get online to share and sell your work. Join us Saturday, March 9 from 10:30 - Noon at the Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont Street, Conference Room C in Lawrence RSVP here

Artwork Photography Service
Robbin Loomis is a professional photographer who will be taking photos of 3D artwork at a minimal charge to members (with the Guild paying the majority of her fee as a member benefit). This is the time for members to drop 3D work off at her studio to be photographed, with a pick up time arranged with Robbin.

Guild Member Program
Portfolio Images Workshop; Led by Roura Young and Jen Unekis. This is for members only, with room for 10 participants. Please use the form to RSVP.